Future Diesel Tours

Links to timings, route and loco allocation

3 Peaks by Rail Challenge

Friday 10th September 2021

Tour Company: Railway Children

Tour operator: Locomotive Services Ltd.

Locomotives: TBA

Route: Bangor-Ravenglass, Ravenglass-Fort William

Timings: N/A

Tour website: https://www.railwaychildren.org.uk/events/events/three-peaks-challenge-by-rail/

Settle-Carlisle & Coastal Statesman

Saturday 18th September 2021

Copyright: Jake Mawson
Copyright: Jake Mawson

Tour Company: Statesman Rail

Tour Operator: Locomotive Services Ltd

Locomotive: 2x Class 47s

Route: Milton Keynes-Appleby

Timings: N/A

Tour website: https://www.statesmanrail.com/journey/settle-carlisle-coastal-statesman-2021-09-18

Settle-Carlisle and Cumbrian Coast Pullman

Monday 4th October 2021

Tour Company: Spirit of the Lakes

Tour Operator: West Coast Railways

Locomotive: 2x WCR Locos

Route: Hull-Carlisle

Timings: N/A

Tour website: https://westcoastrailways.co.uk/spirit-of-the-lakes/the-settle-carlisle-cumbrian-coast-pullman/trip/961

Settle-Carlisle & Coastal Statesman

Saturday 16th October 2021

Tour Company: Statesman Rail

Tour Operator: Locomotive Services Ltd

Locomotive: 2x Class 47s

Route: Milton Keynes-Appleby

Timings: N/A

Tour website: https://www.statesmanrail.com/journey/settle-carlisle-coastal-statesman-2021-10-16

The Whitby Jet

Saturday 6th November

Copyright: Daniel Brandon
Copyright: Daniel Brandon

Tour Company: Midland Pullman

Tour Operator: Locomotive Services Ltd.

Locomotives: Midland Pullman 43046 & 43055

Route: Barrow-Whitby

Timings: N/A

Tour website: https://midlandpullman.com/journey/the-whitby-jet-2

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